
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cultural Diversity Saturday: In Lucia's Neighborhood by Pat Shewchuk and Marek Colek

This is Lucia and this is Lucia's neighborhood.  There are people playing in the park and kids on the way home from school. Mothers are shopping and Grandmas are soaking up the sun.  There are lots of things about the neighborhood that are like Portugal, such as the Senhar Da Pedra Festival every summer.

The book is written for an early grade audience for readers or as a picture book for preschoolers.  I really like how Shewchuk and Colek describe all aspects of a neighborhood.  The illustrations reflect ethnic diversity as well as all age groups, gender roles, and style of dress.  I am very impressed.

I also like how there are a good sprinkling of vocabulary words thrown in but they are not overdone (see short list below).  Good questions to ask during a reading with your child might include: Do you see/do this in your neighborhood? What do you like about Lucia's neighborhood?  What do you like about your own community?  Can you help me locate Portugal on a map?  Why do you think the neighborhood celebrate Portuguese festivals?  

Vocabulary words include: sculpture, Tai Chi, trimmed, olive trees, decorations, daydreaming, teenagers, average.

Read this book if:

  • You would like to take a walk around Lucia's neighborhood with her.
  • You enjoy stories about families and/or communities.
  • You like learning something new.
  • You respect differing cultures and want to celebrate them and learn about them.

Ages: 4 to 9

CD = Cultural Diversity
H = Holidays & Celebrations
I = Insightful
V = Vocabulary Enhancement

This book gets a 5 BOOKWORMS rating!!

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