
Monday, March 25, 2013

Animal Monday...Peacocks

Animal Monday is an interactive post for you and your children/students.  Full of fun facts, photos, videos, games, and books to read for further fun.  Leave a comment if you enjoyed the post!


Have you ever seen a peacock at the zoo?  They look pretty, don't they?  Do you know what peacocks are like when they aren't in the zoo?

Are all peacocks the same?

There are actually two recognized types of peacocks (or peafowl).  One is the Indian peacock and one is the Congo peacock.  Most zoos have the Indian peacock (source: San Diego Zoo website).

So what do each look like?

Indian Peacocks are large birds whose males have gorgeous feathers.  The feathers fan out from their tail like a turkey's feathers when they hold them up, but when they fold them in they trail behind them much like a long train on a wedding gown that trails along the ground.  The females do not have these colorful feathers, instead their coloring is usually grey or brown.  Females also do not sport the long tail feathers.  The reason the males have all of the colorful plumage is to attract females.

Congo Peacocks have deep blue and green feathers for males, and the females once again are mostly brown, but they do have green feathers on their backs.  The males also wear a small crown of white feathers on their heads.

Blue Indian Peacock Male
via National Geographic

Green Indian Peacock Male

File:Siamese Dragon.JPG
via Wikipedia

Female Indian Peahens

Congo Peacocks

via Wikipedia

Where do peacocks live?

Blue Indian peacocks live naturally in the wild in the southern Asian countries of India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.  It is the national bird of India, just as the Bald Eagle is the national bird of the U.S. and the Kiwi Bird is in New Zealand.  They live in forests with deciduous trees and evergreen trees.  Green Indian peacocks live in Java and Myanmar. 

Congo peacocks have a more distinctive look than just color and live in rain forests in the Congo River Basin in central Africa.  It is the national bird of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  

Can you find these countries on this map?

What do peacocks like to eat?

Peacocks are ominvores, which means that they eat both plant life and other animals.  They mostly eat insects, berries, leaves, and small lizards.

What is a baby peacock called?

Peachicks!  Isn't that cute?   Can you name other baby birds called chicks?


Does the peacock have any natural predators?

Their natural predators include leopards, tigers, and other big cats, as well as large dogs and scavenger animals.

Are peacocks an endangered species?

The green peacock is endangered due to habit destruction and over hunting.
The Congo Peacock is listed as Vulnerable to Endangerment for the same reasons.

Learn more about conservation levels here.

What are other fun facts about peacocks?

~Peahens lay between 3 to 5 eggs.  They nest on the ground but they roost in trees.
~A group of peacocks is called a "party".
~The green peacock was an ancient symbol of Burmese (now Myanmar) monarchs.
~Peacocks typically live up to 20 years in the wild.
~In Hinduism, the God of War, named Karthikeya, rides a peacock.
~The phrase "proud as a peacock" comes from the way peacocks strut around, like a prideful person might.

What are some books I can read that are about peacocks?

Great question!

Here are some recommended nonfiction books about peacocks:



A Peachick Grows Up 

Here are some cute story books about peacocks:

The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock

Have you ever read any books about peacocks?  What did you think?  Do you think other kids should read it?

Did you find out anything about peacocks today?  What did you discover that you did not know?

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